To Draw Horizontal, Vertical, and Diagonal Lines

You can draw horizontal, vertical, and diagonal lines in various widths, patterns, and colors.

  1. Select the line drawing tool from the tool bar.

  2. Specify style, pattern and color of the rule. Use the Lines, Pen Pattern and Pen Color options in the Draw menu.You can do this before or after drawing the rule.

IMPORTANT! The choices you make in the Draw menu-the style of rule, the patterns, the colors-affect the current graphic object you draw and remain in effect for every graphic object you draw until you choose again from the Draw menu.

  1. Position the pointer on the page or pasteboard, and drag to draw the rule. The status bar gives the starting point (x, y) and length (w) for horizontal lines, starting point (x, y) and length (d) for vertical lines, and starting point (x1, y1) and ending point (x2, y2) for diagonal lines. If you create more rules, they all stay selected until you choose another tool. If Snap To is on, rules will Snap to any active grid or guides.