To Draw Rectangles, Rounded Rectangles, and Ovals

You can draw rectangles, rounded rectangles, and ovals with various borders and fill patterns.

  1. Select the rectangle, rounded rectangle, or oval tool from the tool bar.

  2. Specify border, fill and color of the shape using Lines, Pen Pattern, Pen Color, Fill Pattern and Fill Color from the Draw menu. You can do this before or after drawing the shape.

  3. Position the pointer on the page or pasteboard, and drag to draw the object. If you create more objects with the same tool, they all stay selected until you choose another tool. If a layout grid is active, the object snaps to fit one or more grid rectangles. If a column or row guide is active and you draw a side of the object inside its snap to zone, that side snaps to the guide.

    To specify the size of the corners on a rounded rectangle, select the rounded rectangle and choose Specifications from the Object menu. Then change the rounded corner's horizontal and vertical distance from the actual corners of the square. Type the amounts in the Corner Width and Corner Depth boxes. The unit of measure is points.