Working With Pictures

RSG uses Quicktime to read a wide range of picture formats. You can crop a picture, or you can size it to fit a picture block by scaling it. You can also use RSG to enhance the quality of pictures. The picture in a picture block is displayed according to its format and the capabilities of your monitor. You can specify preferences in RSG that affect the display of some pictures. The quality of a picture when printed will often be better than when the picture is displayed on screen.

The amount of detail held in Some TIFF and EPSF formats cannot be shown on the screen, so a representation for the screen is used. This screen image is stored in an EPSF file, but for a TIFF file, RSG creates the screen image. RSG does not copy TIFF and EPSF files into the document. You should keep them in the same folder as the document so that RSG can find and use them as needed.