To Scale a Picture

You can scale a picture to fit the picture block. You can specify scaling precisely, or scale at the same time as dragging to resize the picture block.

  1. Select the picture block, and choose Specifications from the Object menu. Or double-click the object. The Picture Block Specifications dialog box appears.

  2. Type the amount of horizontal and vertical scaling that you want in the Scale Across and Scale Down boxes.
    Type the same amount in each box to scale proportionately.

  3. Click OK.The size of the picture block remains the same, but the proportions of the picture within the block change.

To scale as you drag to resize a picture block, select the picture block with the object pointer, and hold down the Command key as you drag a handle. The scaling percentages change in the status bar.
Scaling is a specification of the picture block. An inserted picture is always scaled to the percentages shown in the specification sheet of the picture block.
To automatically scale the graphic to exactly fit its picture block, select the picture block with the cropping tool and choose Scale Graphic To Block from the Graphic menu. In the general case the graphic will not be proportionately scaled.
To automatically scale the picture block to exactly fit its graphic, select the picture block with the cropping tool and choose Scale Block To Graphic from the Graphic menu. The picture block changes size to exactly fit the scaled graphic. The cropping is set to zero.