To Copy, Move, Replace, Remove, or Delete a Picture

You can copy or move a picture from one picture block to another, in the same document or in a different document. You can also replace a selected picture with another, remove it, or delete it from the document entirely.

  • To copy or move a picture from one picture block to another, use the cropping tool to select the picture, choose Copy or Cut from the Edit menu, use the cropping tool to select the contents of another picture block, and choose Paste from the Edit menu.

When you paste the picture it is scaled at the percentage specified for the selected picture block. You can preserve a picture's current cropping and scaling only if you copy the entire picture block. If a picture is in the picture block to which you're pasting, the pasted picture replaces it.

  • To remove a picture, use the cropping tool to select the picture and choose Cut from the Edit menu.

  • To delete a picture, use the cropping tool to select the picture and choose Clear from the Edit menu, or press Delete (or Backspace).

  • To restore a picture you've removed or deleted, choose Undo from the Edit menu before you do anything else