Working With QuickTime Movies

If you have installed QuickTime in your Mac, you can integrate movies into your RSG documents.

To bring a movie into a RSG document, create a picture block with the picture block tool, click in it with the cropping tool, and choose Import Graphic from the File menu. You select a QuickTime movie exactly as you do any other graphic file format RSG is capable of importing. The QuickTime movie displays its static "poster" in the picture block. The movie icon in the lower left corner indicates that the picture block contains time based data. The movie may be scaled.

To play a QuickTime movie, click on it with the cropping tool and choose Play Movie from the Graphic menu. A movie controller appears underneath the picture block. You can use the controller to adjust the sound volume, and to start and stop the movie. You can also step through the movie frame by frame. The controller automatically disappears when the movie is done playing.
To stop a QuickTime movie while it is playing, hold down the Command key and press the Period (.) key.