To Print and Assemble Large Pages by Tiling

To print a page whose (Page Setup) page size is larger than the paper size your printer can handle (Printer Setup), you can print each page as a separate tile and paste up the final page using traditional pasteup techniques.
RSG calculates the tile size and prints an overlap on each to provide a continuous image for pasteup. You can adjust the amount of overlap so that breaks between sections fall most conveniently.
First check where the breaks will occur and how much overlap you need.

  1. If necessary, choose Preferences/General from the Document menu, select Show Rulers and Show Print Area, and click OK. If Tiling is already selected in the Printer Preferences dialog box, you won't see the print area rectangle, so deselect Tiling if necessary.

  2. Use the ruler to measure the overlap needed between tiles. Move the zero starting point of the ruler so the intersecting lines mark where you want the break(s) to occur. (Drag the white box at the intersection of the two rulers.) The break(s) must be within the first print area. The distance from the starting point to the edge of the print area on the right and bottom sides is the overlap distance. If you need several tiles across and down the page, note where the print area will end for the second tile, and move the starting point again to see where the break will fall based on the initial overlap. Adjust the overlap to create the optimum breaks between all of the tiles.

  3. Choose Preferences/Printing from the Document menu.The Printer Preferences dialog box appears.

  4. Select Tiling and Tiling Marks. Tiling marks prints small marks to guide pasteup of a tiled page.

  5. Type the amount of overlap you want in the Overlap text box. Units of measure are as in the General Preferences dialog box.

  6. Select any other options and click OK. The print area rectangle disappears.