To Specify How Images In Picture Blocks Should Be Color Separated

Certain EPS files can hold their own separation information, which RSG can use when making separations.

  1. Select the picture block with the pointer tool, and Choose Specifications from the Object menu. Or double-click on the picture block. The picture block specification sheet is displayed. To process color separate a PICT graphic click Print 72dpi PICT2.

  2. Click Sep Options. The Separation Options dialog box is displayed.

  3. Choose the appropriate option from the Separation popup menu.

To process separate the image, choose Process Separate.
To print a monochrome image as shades of grey, choose Assign To Process Black.
To print a monochrome or color image as shades of a spot color, choose Assign To Spot Plate. The default is black. To choose another spot color, click Select Color and choose any color from the Color Selector dialog box.
To separate an EPSF image according to information held in the file (process, spot, or both), choose Use EPSF Info. If this option is dimmed, the EPS file does not hold valid or complete color separation information. This option should be chosen if the EPS file as been preseparated in the EPSF5 or DCS format.

  1. Click OK to return to the picture block's specification sheet, and click OK again.