To Specify Knockouts or Overprinting For Individual Graphic, Text or Picture Blocks

You can override the document wide knockout settings on a block by block basis.

  1. Select the block with the pointer tool and choose Specifications from the Object menu. Or double-click the block.

  2. Click on Sep Options. The Separation Options dialog box appears.

To knockout the objects so that underlying colors are removed from the separations, choose On from the Knockout popup menu.
To overprint the object so that underlying colors remain on the separations, choose Off from the Knockout popup menu.
To knockout or overprint an EPSF image according to information held within the file, choose EPSF Info from the Knockout popup. If this option is dimmed, the EPS file does not hold valid or complete color separation information.
To use the knockout or overprint option set for the document as a whole, choose Use Default from the Knockout popup menu.

  1. Click OK to return to the block's specification sheet.

  2. Click OK to return to your document.