To Print Color Separations

You can print all the color plates for each page, or only selected color plates.

  1. Choose Preferences/Printing from the Document menu.

  2. Set the Pages as required. Make sure Draft, Thumbnails, Reverse Order and Collate are unchecked.

  3. Click Plate Selector. The Color Plate selector dialog box is displayed. The Color Plate selector dialog box shows all the colors that can be printed as separations for the current document.

  4. Click on any plate(s) you do not want to print.
    To select all separation plates if not all are not checked in the list, check All Plates. As a default, RSG will print for a given page only those plates which contain separation imaging, thus economizing on time and materials while ensuring that you print the plates you need.

NOTE: It is best to print all the separations for a page at the same time to minimize registration problems.

If you try to print color separations when the printer setting referenced by the current MPD does not exist, RSG lets you choose whether to cancel the print job or to choose a new printer setting from a pop-up of those currently available.
It is possible that some print spoolers used with imagesetters may not work with the Use Binary Encoding option: if so, choose Preferences/Printing from the Document menu to display the Printing Preferences dialog box, click PostScript Options and uncheck the option 'Use Binary Encoding'.

  1. Choose Print from the File menu. Click Print.