To Run Text Around Another Object

You can make text in a text block run around the shape of any object or group of objects, including other text blocks.

  1. Select the object, objects, or group around which you want the text to run.

  2. Choose Specifications from the Object menu. A dialog box presents a specification sheet, in turn, for each selected object.

  3. Type in the Text Repel box the distance you want between the object and the text.The repel distance is measured from the object, not its bounding rectangle.

  4. If the object is a picture block, click Runaround and choose Shape or Graphic. If you choose Shape, the text will run around the shape of the picture block. If you choose Graphic, the text will run around the edge of the picture you inserted in the picture block, including the white space in the picture.

  5. Click OK. If you selected more than one object, follow steps 3 to 5 for each object.

  6. Move the selected object or group into position on top of the text block. After you finish moving any selected objects, the text adjusts automatically to flow around the shape of each object at the specified repel distance. You can reposition any of the objects and, if the Runaround option is active, the text will readjust.