To Enter Text by Typing
  1. Select the I-beam tool from the tool bar.

  2. Select an insertion point by clicking in the text block. If you click in an empty text block, the insertion point appears at the upper-left corner of the block. If you click in a line of text, the insertion appears where you click. If you click in the empty area at the end of a text block that has some text, the insertion point appears at the end of the text.
    If the vertical alignment of a text block is not "at top", the effect of making a text selection is that the text moves to the top of the text box and you may need to select the insertion point again. When you select another tool, the text readjusts to the specified alignment option.

  3. Type to enter text at the insertion point.

The first text block you create in a new document will have 12-point type with Auto leading-the preset amount of leading for the type size. The default font depends on the fonts available in your system, but RSG looks first for Times®, Helvetica®, and Courier in that order. Use the Save Defaults command to change the type specs for your text when you open subsequent documents.
You can apply a stylesheet or choose Format commands such as Font, Size, and Type Style before you type. The status bar displays the type spec being used.
If you type more text than the block can hold, the overflow indicator appears in the lower-right corner of the text block, and the overflow text is stored. You can change the size of the text block to accommodate overflow text, or link the text block to another text block. See Flowing Text Through a Chain of Text Blocks, later in this chapter.