To Import Formatted Text From Word Processors

RSG supports text import using RTF.
Most word processors can save in this format and RSG will import the text keeping most of the original formatting intact.

  1. Select the I-beam tool from the tool bar.

  2. Select an insertion point in the block where you want to import text.

  3. Choose Import/Import RTF Text from the File menu. A dialog box displays a directory of folders and documents

  4. Select the file and click Import.The imported text is inserted in the text block at the insertion point.

If pictures are part of the document, RSG ignores them. For information about including them, see "How To - Graphics" section. If the imported text uses a font which is not available, you will be prompted to choose a replacement. If the text from the document is longer than the text block (or a chain of linked blocks), the overflow indicator appears and the overflow text is stored. You can change the size of a text block or link the block to another one to contain the overflow text. See Flowing Text Through a Chain of Text Blocks, later in this chapter. RSG automatically converts certain punctuation to appear in typeset-quality style:

  This Punctuation
Is Changed To
  Two spaces 
Double quotes
Single quotes
Two hyphens (- -)
One space
Typeset double quotes
Typeset single quotes
Typeset apostrophe
Em dash (-)