To Add Text Blocks to a Chain

Follow the numbered steps to add text blocks to the middle of a chain. To add text blocks to the beginning or end of a chain, see the instruction at the end of this procedure.

  1. Create, paste, or duplicate the text blocks you want to add.

  2. Select the linking tool from the tool bar.

  3. Click the text block in the existing chain after which you want to add the new blocks.

  4. Then click in the text blocks you want to add in the order you want them linked to the existing chain. As you click in each block, the text flows into it.

  5. Double-click in the last block you want to add. The linking tool flashes to show you've finished the chain.

To add text blocks to the beginning of a chain, select the linking tool and click in the first text block in the chain. Then hold down the Shift key while you click, in reverse order, in the text blocks you want to add to the front of the chain. When you reach the new first block, double-click in it to finish linking the chain. Any text flows back to the new first block.
To add new pages or spreads of linked blocks at the end of a chain, choose Insert Page(s) or Insert Spread(s) from the Page menu, select the Duplicate Current Page or Spread option and the Global Links option, and type the number of pages or spreads you want to add. Overflow text flows automatically into the blocks on the new pages you added.

You can use this procedure to quickly create a chain of empty text blocks by duplicating a page or spread of empty linked blocks.