To Copy or Move Linked Blocks

You can copy or move linked text blocks using the Edit menu commands. After you paste the blocks, you must use the linking tool to relink them.

  1. Select the text blocks you want to copy or move.

  2. Choose Cut or Copy from the Edit menu. A copy of the blocks and their text is placed on the clipboard, but the copied blocks are not linked. If you choose Cut, the blocks are removed and the remaining blocks in the chain are relinked. The original text is adjusted to fit the new chain. If the block is locked, a copy is placed on the clipboard and the original is not removed.

  3. Go to the page to which you want to copy or move the blocks.

  4. Choose Paste from the Edit menu. The text blocks and their text are pasted on the page in the active document window in the same position from which you copied or moved them.

If you don't see what you pasted in the window, scroll to find it, or change the view of the page. If you still don't see it, change the Page Setup options to match those of the document you cut or copied from. Then drag what you pasted to a new position before you reset the Page Setup options. The text blocks you paste are no longer linked.