To Format Text With a Stylesheet

You can use stylesheets to format text as you enter it, or you can apply them to existing text.

  1. Select an insertion point or the text that you want to format.

  2. Choose Styles from the Document menu to list any stylesheets for the current document.

  3. Select the stylesheet you want to use.

  4. Click Apply to see the results. If another stylesheet is formatting any of the selected text, the type specs of the stylesheet you just applied replace those of the previous stylesheet.

  5. Click Done when you're finished.

To quickly apply a stylesheet to an insertion point or selected text, choose Apply Style from the Edit menu, and then choose the name of the stylesheet you want to apply.
show the styles palette (if it's not already showing) by choosing Show Styles from the Document/Palettes menu and click the name of the stylesheet in the styles palette you want to apply. If you assigned a keyboard command to a stylesheet, you can format quickly by pressing Command-H and the assigned character.
You cannot use commands to change any type specs you specified with the stylesheet. If you wish to do so, you must first select the text and choose Remove Styles from the Edit menu, or you can change the stylesheet type spec to None or no selected option.