Specifying Type Specs

The previous section of this chapter, Using Stylesheets and Commands to Format Text, describes how type specs are applied to your document. This section gives a complete description of the options available for each type spec. The procedures concentrate on the use of the Format menu commands, but the same effect can always be achieved by using a stylesheet or the options in the Type Specs dialog box.

If a stylesheet is used to format text, you can still specify type specs using the Format menu commands or the Type Specs options, provided that you do not attempt to change a type spec which is controlled by the stylesheet. If there is a conflict, you will be invited to choose Remove Styles from the Edit menu to remove the stylesheet from the affected text; alternatively, you can remove that type spec from the stylesheet by changing it to None or no selected option.
If you select text which contains two or more different options for the same type spec, such as two fonts, you see None or no option selected in the sub-menu or dialog box.