To Set Up Tab Columns

You can set up to 15 tab columns on a ruler for any text you select. Or you can specify tabs for the text you type after an insertion point.
Each tab column includes a tab indent (or tab stop) which marks the position of the tab and the left edge of the tab column, a tab alignment which determines the justification of text in the tab column, and a tab measure which specifies the width of the tab column.

If you do not set up your own tabs and you press Tab, a 1-em space is inserted at the insertion point-unless you changed the Fixed Tab Width option in the Preferences dialog box. See To Set Text Preferences for Your Document, later in this chapter.

  1. Select the text or insertion point where you want to set up tab columns.

  2. Choose Tabs from the Format menu. A dialog box displays a ruler for setting up the tab columns. The ruler starting point is the left edge of the current text block. The ruler displays the horizontal units of measure selected in the General Preferences dialog box.

  3. To set up a tab, click the ruler where you want to set up the left edge of the tab column. A tab composed of three arrows appears: the small left-pointing arrow at the top of the tab is alignment icon; the small, down-pointing arrow in the middle is the measure icon; the larger, down-pointing arrow at the bottom is the tab indent or tab stop.

  4. To set the tab indent, drag it to the required position. Or see the instruction at the end of this procedure on specifying tab columns precisely. If you make a mistake and want to remove the tab, drag the tab indent icon above the ruler. When you release the mouse button, the tab disappears. Or to start over, click Clear All to remove all the tab columns you set up.

  5. To set the tab alignment, click the alignment icon until you see the one you want. If you specify decimal alignment (a decimal tab), RSG sets up a tab measure of .5 inches (or its equivalent). A small triangle appears halfway across the measure to indicate the position of the decimal point. Drag the triangle to change the position of the decimal point. If you go past the alignment icon you want, keep clicking until you see it again. However, after you click the decimal-tab icon, the tab measure remains at .5 inches until you change it.

  6. To specify the tab measure, drag the measure icon or keep it above the indent icon to specify the preset measure. The measure icon marks the end of the tab measure for text. If you leave it above the indent icon, the tab measure will be the distance from the tab indent icon to the right edge of the text block. The precise positions of the tab indent and the tab measure are shown above the ruler in the Measure text box. A measure of 0 means the preset measure is being used. If you specify a decimal tab, the position of the decimal point is displayed in the Decimal text box.

  7. Create up to 15 tab columns for the selected text or at the insertion point. Follow steps 3 to 6 to set up each tab column.

  8. Click OK when you're finished.

  9. Press Tab to move the insertion point to the beginning of the first tab column, and type your text. If the text doesn't fit in the tab measure, it automatically wraps to the next line within the same tab column.

  10. Press Tab each time you want to move the insertion point to the next tab column where you can type more text. If the text in the previous column wrapped to the next line, the insertion point moves to the next tab column in the current line. If there is not another tab column, the insertion point moves to the first tab column on the next line.
    To create tab columns with multi-line entries, type each entry a line at a time as you move the insertion point from tab column to tab column across the text block. If the text wraps and you want to return to the previous line, press Delete (or Backspace) to move back the insertion point. Then Tab to the next tab column on the same line.

  11. Press Return to end the tab columns and start the next paragraph.

To specify a leader character from one tab to the next, select the text and choose Tabs from the Format menu. In the Tabs dialog box, select the tab column to which you want the leader to run, and click Specs. In the Tab Specifications dialog box, type a character in the Leader text box, click OK, and then click OK again. When you Tab to the column you selected, RSG automatically fills the space between the end of the text in the previous column and the start of the text in this column with the specified leader character.

To specify a tab column precisely, select the text and choose Tabs from the Format menu. In the Tabs dialog box, select the tab column and click Specs. In the Tab Specifications dialog box, type the tab indent in the Indent box and the tab measure in the Measure box. For a decimal tab, type the position of the decimal point in the Decimal box. Then click OK.

To make changes to the tab columns set up in a text block, first select the text. Then choose Tabs from the Format menu, and modify the tabs as described in steps 4 to 6 above.

To remove tab columns from text, first select the text whose tab columns you want to remove. Then choose Tabs from the Format menu, and in the Tabs dialog box drag the tab indent icon of any tab column you want to remove above the ruler. Or click Clear All to remove all tab columns from the selected text. Click Apply or OK.

To drag the tab ruler to a new position, hold down the Command key, press the mouse anywhere in the ruler and drag.

To display the smaller, scrolling tab ruler used by the Styles and Type Specs dialog boxes, hold down the Option key and choose Tabs from the Format menu.