To Change or Create the Kerning Table of a Font

You can change the built-in kerning table that applies to all autokerned text of a particular font and style by adjusting the space between pairs of characters, or by adding or deleting pairs in the table. (A pair may include a space plus a character.) If a font doesn't have a kerning table, you can create one. This may be preferable to repeated use the Horizontal Spacing dialog box.
You can add or subtract space between characters in a kerning pair, so you can use the kerning table to letterspace as well as kern.

  1. Choose Utilities from the Document menu, and then choose Auto Kern Specs. The font-style combinations in your document are displayed. The style is indicated by the letter(s) in brackets.

  2. Select the font-style combination containing the pairs you want to kern, and click Edit. A dialog box displays the kerning table for that font-style combination. If no characters are displayed, the font has no built-in kerning table. You can create one by typing in kerning pairs or by copying the kerning table of another font (see the instructions at the end of this procedure).

  3. Either select the pair you want to change, or type a pair in the box labeled Pair. If you select a pair, you see it in the Preview box; the Value box shows the space that is removed between the pair to kern it automatically. A negative value indicates that space is subtracted.

  4. Type in the Value box the number of ems you want to adjust the space between the pair. Type a negative number to subtract space, a positive number to add space. You can type an amount from &shyp;.25 to 7.0. You can specify the amount to a thousandth of an em.

  5. Click Replace to replace an existing spec, or Add to add a new one. The pair is displayed in the Preview box, and its spacing is adjusted as specified.

  6. Change or add as many other pairs as you want. To cancel the changes you made since you clicked Edit, click Cancel. To return to the original kerning pairs, click Revert.

  7. Click OK to return to the Auto Kern Specs dialog box.

  8. Click Done when you're finished.
    To remove a pair from a kerning table, choose Utilities from the Document menu, and then choose Auto Kern Specs. Select the font-style combination containing the pair you want to remove, and click Edit. In the Auto Kern Table dialog box, select the pair you want to remove, and click Remove. Click OK to return to the Auto Kern Specs dialog box. Click Done when you're finished. To copy a kerning table from one font-style combination to another, choose Utilities from the Document menu, and then choose Auto Kern Specs. Select the font-style combination containing the kerning table you want to copy, and click Copy. Then select the font-style combination to which you want the table copied, and click Paste. Click OK to confirm the paste. Click Done when you're finished.

Copying a kerning table is especially useful when you copy from one style to another style of the same font.

  • To add or replace a kerning table by copying from another document, choose Utilities from the Document menu, and then choose Auto Kern Specs. Click Import, and select and open the document that has the kerning table you want. You can only import a table if its font-style combination appears in the current document. (The ones you cannot import are dimmed.) Either select a font-style combination and click Import, or click Import All. Then click OK to return to the Auto Kern Specs dialog box. Click Done when you're finished.
    You can't click Cancel or Revert to return to the previous table. You can only return to the previous table by not saving the current document.

  • To restore the kerning table to its original pairs and values, choose Utilities from the Document menu, and then choose Auto Kern Specs. Select the font and style whose kerning table you want to restore, and click Edit. In the Auto Kern Table dialog box, click Revert. Click OK to return to the Auto Kern Specs dialog box. Click Done when you're finished.