To Control the Raggedness of Unjustified Text

Because RSG tries to fit as much text as possible on a ragged line, you sometimes need to limit the line lengths of every other line to make the text more ragged. This is done by specifying the maximum line length for every other line.

  1. Choose Ragged Specs from the Document menu.

  2. Select Professional to control the raggedness.

  3. Type a percentage for the Rag Zone. Type the maximum line length for every other line. The number you type is a percentage of the line measure (the width of the text block). The preset percentage is 90%, which means that every other line will be up to 90% as long as the line measure. You can specify from 50% to 100%.

  4. Click OK. Use the Save Defaults command from the File menu to make the specs the default options for each new document you open after you start RSG again.