To Edit the User Dictionary
  1. Create a text block and select an insertion point.

  2. Choose Import Text from the File menu, and open the User Dictionary. A dialog box displays a directory of folders and documents. The User Dictionary should be in the Ready,Set,Go! folder inside your Mac OS X Application Support folder. The name of the dictionary includes its language: the English dictionary is called the User English Dictionary. When you open the dictionary, a list of words appears in the text block.

  3. Add, change, or delete words, keeping one word to a paragraph. If you insert a word, press Return after you type it.

  4. Choose Select All from the Edit menu to select the entire list of words.

  5. Choose Export Text from the File menu. A dialog box prompts you for the name of the document you'll use to save the text.

  6. Type the dictionary name.

  7. Make sure the location for saving the file is inside the folder (home folder)/Library/Application Support/Ready,Set,Go!.

  1. Click Save, and click Yes to confirm that you want to replace the old version of User English Dictionary.

You must quit and restart RSG to use the new version of the User Dictionary.