To Create Automatic Drop Caps

Drop Caps can be defined in two ways using RSG. Drop Caps may be applied to any selected text or to the text block itself.

To apply Drop Caps to a selection of text:

You can make any letter/word /phrase at the beginning of a line drop a specified amount of lines. When a drop is applied to selected characters, they remain the same but the other lines of text run around the Drop Cap for the defined number of lines. Drop Cap text can then have any text formatting applied to it (e.g. Font, size and color).

  1. Hilight the text to be dropped.

  2. Select DropCaps... from the Format menu.

    In the Drop Caps dialog set the desired number of lines to drop and the indent from the edge of the text. The lines will then run around the dropped text.

To remove Drop Caps:

  1. Select the affected text.

  2. Select DropCaps... from the Format menu.

    In the Drop Caps dialog set the lines and indent to zero.

To apply Drop Caps to a text block:

Any text block in a RSG document can be made to begin with an automatic drop cap. You can specify the baseline which the drop cap should align with, as well as its font, type style, color, tint, and horizontal scaling.You can also specify a positive or negative indent for the lines of text that the automatic drop cap interacts with.

  1. Select the text block with the pointer tool and choose Specifications from the Object menu.

  2. Click the Drop Caps Button.

    Check Auto Drop Cap On and enter the character for the drop cap in the Text box.

    Set up the remainder of the properties and click OK.

    Click OK again after you have returned to the text block's specification sheet. The automatic drop cap is drawn and the balance of the text flows around it.