To Create an Object

This procedure assumes that Snap To is not checked in the Page menu.

  1. Select a text block tool, picture block tool, or drawing tool from the tool bar.

  2. Position the pointer on the page or pasteboard, and drag to draw the object. As you draw the object, a dotted rectangle or line shows its size and position. When you release the mouse button, the object appears and handles show that it's selected. If you continue to create the same type of object, all stay selected until you choose a new tool.

To delete any object, press Delete (or Backspace) while it's selected.
Use the cursor tracking lines in the rulers or the figures in the status bar to help you position an object on the page and draw it to size. When you begin to draw, the status bar shows the "x" and "y" coordinates of the pointer-the distances from the top-left corner of the page. If you draw to the left of the page, the x coordinate is a minus distance. If you draw above the page, the y coordinate is a minus distance. You also see the width ("w") and depth ("d") of the object as you draw. All units are as selected in the Preferences dialog box.
The object boundary (the enclosing rectangle with handles) determines an object's position on the page.