Selecting Objects

To select objects, use the pointer tool. You select object(s) in order to lock, move, copy, duplicate, rotate, flip or delete them, or to change their specification. To select an object created on a master page, you must go to the master page, or copy it from the master page to the current page.

  • To select an object, click on it with the pointer. If selecting a rule, put the object pointer tip exactly on it, and click. To select a rule which lies under a guide, choose Preferences from the Document menu and change the Guides Draw option to Bottom.

  • To select more than one object, drag a marquee to enclose or touch the required objects, or Shift-click each object. (Don't begin a marquee within an object boundary, or you'll drag the object instead.) All objects touched or enclosed by the marquee are selected.

  • To select additional objects, hold down the Shift key and click or drag.

  • To select all the objects on a page or spread, choose Select All from the Edit menu.

  • To deselect a single object when more than one object is selected, hold down the Shift key and click the required object.

  • To deselect all selected objects, click outside the selected objects.

  • To select an object that is underneath another object, hold down the Command key and click until you select the required object.