To Lock or Unlock Objects

When objects are locked, you cannot change their size or position, or rotate, flip, or delete them. But you can do anything else that does not change their size or position in relation to the sides of the page. You can copy and duplicate them (the copies are also locked), and if a locked object is in a stack of objects, you can move it forward and backward in the stack.
When you lock a text block or picture block, you're not locking its contents. You can change the text and picture, but you can't move or resize the block. You can also change borders, fill patterns, and colors of any locked object.
You can lock one or more selected objects or a group. Newly-created objects are always unlocked.

  1. Select the object, or group you want to lock.

  2. Choose Lock from the Object menu. The Locked option in a specification sheet of an object indicates if it's locked. You can also change whether an object is locked or unlocked by selecting or deselecting this option.

To unlock an object or group, select it and choose Unlock from the Object menu. Choosing Unlock does not ungroup a group.