To Rotate Objects Around a Specific Point on the Page

You can rotate one or more objects around a point (the center of the axis of rotation) on the page. Each selected object will rotate around the center of the axis and change both its position and angle of rotation.

  1. Select the object, objects, or group you want to rotate.

  2. Select the rotation tool from the tool bar. The pointer changes to an arrowhead.

  3. Position the tip of the rotation pointer where you want the center of the axis of rotation.

  4. Press to display the rotation axis, drag the rotation pointer away from the axis, and drag clockwise or anticlockwise. The further away you drag from the center of rotation, the easier it is to be precise about the angle of rotation, which you see in the status bar. To start at 0 degrees, drag the pointer above the axis of rotation labeled "0" and align the dotted line with that axis. A temporary copy of the object or objects rotates as you drag. When you release the button, the object(s) switch to the rotated position of the copy.