To Change the Order of Stacked Objects

Objects can overlap completely or partially. You might place a text block over a picture block, for example, so that the text appears on top of the picture. These overlapping objects form a stack, with each object in its own layer.

You can change the order of objects in the stack and bring any object or group of objects to the front of the stack (or send it to the back). To bring a 'hidden' object to the front of the stack, you may need to move several objects to the back. Or you may want to move an object or group of objects behind or in front of another object.

  1. Select the object, objects, or group you want to move in the stack.

  2. Choose one of these commands from the Object menu: Move Forward, Move To Front, Move Backward, Move To Back. If you choose Move To Front or Move To Back, the selected object or objects appear on top of or behind all the other objects in the stack of overlapping objects. If you choose Move Forward or Move Backward, each selected object appears in front of or behind the next unselected object