To Create an Object Glossary Entry
  1. Select the required object, objects, or group.

  2. Choose Glossaries from the Document menu, and then choose Object from the submenu. The Object Glossaries dialog box appears.

  3. Click Define. A dialog box prompts you to name the selected object or objects.

  4. Type the glossary name-up to 32 characters, including spaces.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Click Done when you're finished.

To assign a keyboard command to a glossary entry, define the glossary entry as usual, but at the end of the name add a / followed by a single character. Then you can paste the entry by pressing Command B and then the character you assigned.
To rename an entry in the Object Glossaries dialog box, select the entry you want to rename, click Rename, type a new name, and click OK.
To delete an entry in the Object Glossaries dialog box, select the entry you want to delete, click Delete, and click OK to confirm the deletion.

NOTE: Working with the object glossary does not affect what's on the clipboard.