To Specify Rotation

You can specify the angle of rotation to a tenth of a degree. The center of each object is the center point of its object boundary. You can use the Rotate command or the Specifications command in the Object menu. If you're rotating a group of selected objects the same amount, it's faster to use the Rotate command.

  1. Select the object, objects, or group you want to rotate.

  2. Choose Rotate from the Object menu.The Rotation dialog box appears.

  3. Type the angle in degrees (1 - 359) which each object is to rotate. Positive angles rotate clockwise, negative angles counter-clockwise. You can specify to one tenth of a degree.

  4. Click OK.

To change the angle of rotation in the specification sheet of a selected object, choose Specifications from the Object menu. A specification sheet appears in turn for each selected object. Type any angle of rotation in the Rotation box and click OK to go to the next specification sheet.