To Custom-Mix and Rename Standard Colors

You can change any of 18 standard colors (not black or white) by custom-mixing and optionally re-naming them. When you next save the document, the custom colors and names are also saved. To custom-mix a color you can specify percentages of red, green, and blue (RGB), or degrees of hue and percentages of saturation and brightness (HSB), or percentages of the four process colors-cyan, magenta, yellow, and black (CMYK).

  1. Choose Pen Color or Fill Color from the Draw menu, and choose Other.The Color Selector dialog box appears.

  2. Select any standard color (not black or white). You cannot change a PANTONE®* Color. The custom-mixed color will replace the selected standard color, so select a standard colors you don't plan to use in your design.

  3. Click Custom Color. The Custom Color dialog box appears. The preset option for mixing colors is RGB.

  4. Select another option for mixing colors, if you want to. Switch between the options to see the equivalent settings for a color.

  5. Drag the scroll bar to change a setting, or type a value in the corresponding text box. When setting hue (using the HSB model), set a value between 1 and 360 degrees-think of hue as being represented by a color wheel.

  6. Click OK.To rename the color, go to step 7. Otherwise, go to step 8.

  7. Click Custom Name, type the new name of the selected color, and click OK.

  8. Click OK in the Color Selector dialog box.

To use standard and custom-mixed colors from another document, choose Pen Color or Fill Color from the Draw menu, and then choose Other. In the Color Selector dialog box, click Import, and use the directory dialog box to open the document whose custom colors you want to use.
The standard or custom-mixed colors from the document you open replace the standard colors in your current document. They are not added to the list of colors in the current document.
To force a color to print on every plate when you are printing color separations, give it the name "Register."