Preparing a Document for a Service Bureau

After you proof your document, you may want to get your final camera-ready art from a high-resolution PostScript imagesetter. Imagesetters differ in their capabilities, but most offer a variety of resolutions for you to choose. Most imagesetters can also print a larger page than most laser printers. Contact your printing service bureau prior to printing for advice. They may be able to advise you on the best angle for halftone screens or the number of dots or lines per inch. Or find out how tints generally print on the imagesetter compared to the printer for use for proofing.
When you are ready to send your document to a service bureau:

Put your RSG document and related files in the same folder on a disk. Related files include any Hyphenation Exceptions file and any EPSF and TIFF files used in your document. See To List the Pictures Used in a Document.
List the fonts used in your document and check that the service bureau has them. See To List the Fonts Used in a Document later in this chapter.
Find out if the service bureau prefers to work with a PostScript file rather than your RSG document file. If so, see To Create a PostScript File later in this chapter.
You can also create an Encapsulated PostScript File (EPSF) of any page or spread in your RSG document and gang then up on a larger RSG page to create an imposition. See To Save the Current Page or Spread as an EPS File.