To Insert the Text of Text-Only Documents

You can insert text-only documents in text blocks. This is useful for importing documents from applications which are incompatible with RSG. The type specs for the imported text will be those of the insertion point.

  1. Select the I-beam tool from the tool bar.

  2. Select an insertion point in the text block where you want to enter text.

  3. Choose Import/Import Text from the File menu. A dialog box displays a directory of folders and documents.

  4. Select the Character Set of the text. Different computer systems have different ways of encoding accented characters and some punctuation characters.

  5. Select Tagged Text and Smart Quotes if needed. Select Tagged Text if the text-only document includes stylesheet tags. See To Prepare a Text-Only Document for Use With Stylesheets, later in this chapter. If you select this option and the document is not text-only, it does not affect the text when it appears in the text block. Select Smart Quotes to convert word-processing punctuation to typeset-quality punctuation. See step 4 of the previous procedure for details.

  6. Open the document whose text you want to insert. The text is inserted in the text block at the insertion point.The text appears with the type specs of the insertion point, unless it includes stylesheet tags that correspond to current stylesheets. Then the text is automatically formatted by those stylesheets. If the imported text is longer than the text block (or a chain of linked blocks), the overflow indicator appears and the overflow text is stored. You can change the size of a text block or link the block to another one to accommodate the overflow text. See Flowing Text Through a Chain of Text Blocks, later in this chapter.