To Shift Characters Above or Below the Current Baseline

You can shift characters up or down from the baseline-the imaginary line on which the bottom of most uppercase letters rests. This is useful for raised footnote references, for the superscripts and subscripts used in scientific expressions, and for special design effects.

  1. Select the text you want to shift. Or select an insertion point.

  2. Choose Vert Spacing from the Format menu. If a number other than 0 appears in the Amount box, the selected text has already been shifted by the number of points indicated. If no number appears, the text has been shifted different amounts.

  3. Select Shift Up or Shift Down.

  4. Type the number of points you want the text to shift in the Amount box.You can type from .01 to 327 points. You can specify to a hundredth of a point.

  5. Click Apply to see the results. If you're using Auto leading, the space between lines adjusts if necessary. To keep the leading the same, you can change the shifted text to a smaller size or specify the leading for that line. See To Change a Font, Size, and Type Style and To Adjust the Leading Between Lines, later in this chapter.

  6. Click OK when you're finished.

To shift text 1 point at a time, select the text you want to shift. Hold down the Command key and press the Up or Down Arrow key to shift the selected text up or down by 1 point.
To shift text back to the baseline, select the shifted text, choose Vert Spacing from the Format menu, type 0 in Amount, and click OK.