To Adjust the Leading Between Lines

Leading is the vertical space between each line, measured from the baseline of each line to the baseline of the line above. RSG automatically adjusts the space between lines to fit the font size you are using. You may want to specify the leading-for example, to increase the space between headings and body text, or to keep the same space between lines with different type sizes.

To adjust the leading between paragraphs, see the next procedure,
To Add Extra Leading Between Paragraphs.
To adjust all of the Auto leading in a document,
see To Set Text Preferences for Your Document, later in this chapter.

  1. Select the lines whose leading you want to change. Each line is spaced according to the leading you specify for its first character. To keep the same leading as you edit, select entire lines, paragraphs, an entire block, or a chain of blocks.

  2. Choose Leading from the Format menu. The current leading is checked. (If no leading is checked, the selected text includes more than one leading spec.) Choose a different leading from the submenu. Choosing Auto returns the leading to the amount automatically specified as part of the type size for the largest-size font in each line. If you choose Other, a dialog box displays the current leading. You can type any amount of leading from .01 to 327 points, in hundredths of a point.

  3. Click Apply to see the results. Make any change you want, and click OK when you're finished.