Document Menu

Lets you preset a variety of options for a number of features. These include the measurement units for rulers and guides; whether to show the rulers, print area, block outlines, register marks, or color names. Most of the settings you choose in the Preferences/General dialog box are saved with the document.

  • Show Ruler displays or hides the rulers in the document window.

  • Show Print Area displays or hides the print area rectangle on the page.

  • Show Block Outlines displays or hides the outlines of text blocks in the document window.

  • Show Register Marks displays or hides registration marks. See Printing With RSG.

  • Show Color Names displays or hides the name of each spot color you've used in your document. See Printing With RSG for information about how to position the color name placeholder.

  • Dither All Graphics speeds the display of greyscale images.

  • Greek All Graphics inhibits the screen display of the contents of picture blocks.

  • Use Classic Interface turns on and off the classic RSG interface.

  • Use RSG Virtual Memory helps you to create longer and more complex documents by creating a temporary file on your disk. RSG uses the temporary file to store things like pictures, thus freeing memory. When you quit RSG, the temporary file is automatically deleted. When you open RSG, Use Virtual Memory is on. You must click it to turn it off. If you turn Use Virtual Memory off, RSG relies entirely on your computer's memory. If your document does not contain picture blocks, you should turn this option off and choose Save Defaults from the File menu. Re-start your Mac to put the change into effect.

  • Horizontal Units can be in inches, centimeters, picas, ciceros, or points. The units of measure you choose are used for the horizontal ruler and all dialog boxes that display horizontal measurements.

  • Vertical Units can be in inches, centimeters, picas, points, ciceros, or corps. The units of measure you choose are used for the vertical ruler and all dialog boxes that display vertical measurements.

  • Guides Draw creates guide lines underneath the objects on the page or on top of the objects.

  • Snap To Strength determines how close to a guide an object must be to snap to the guide. You must choose Snap To in the Page menu for this option to be meaningful. The larger the number of pixels, the stronger the attraction to the guides. Default strength is 5 pixels.

  • Horizontal Pasteboard sets the dimension of the pasteboard in the horizontal direction. Half of the pasteboard extends to the left of the page and half to the right of the page. The dimension is in the current horizontal units.

  • Vertical Pasteboard sets the dimension of the pasteboard in the vertical direction. Half of the pasteboard extends above the top of the page and half below the bottom of the page. The dimension is in the current vertical units.

  • Use Font Palette turns on and off the document's custom font palette for use with the floating typography palette. When off the font popup menu displays all the fonts installed in your system. When on the font popup menu displays only the fonts in the document's custom font palette.

  • Set Font Palette determines the fonts that appear in a document's custom font palette. The list on the left displays all the fonts currently installed in your system. Select a font to add it to the palette. The list on the right shows all the fonts in the current document's font palette. Select a font to delete it from the palette. The font palette is only used for the font popup menu in the typography palette.

  • Set Color Palette determines the colors shown on RSG's color submenus and in the colors palette. Unless you change them, these items are preset to show black, white, red, green, blue, yellow, cyan, and magenta. You can use Set Color Palette to assign the color of your choice to any of the eight slots on the color submenus except for black and white. When you need different colors, you can customize the color menu again.