Document Menu
  • Starting Page Number sets the starting page number of your document, normally set to 1. If you are working on a long publication that is broken into several documents, change the value of Starting Page Number so that each document starts on the correct page.

  • Auto Kern Threshold determines the smallest size of type that RSG automatically kerns. Default value is 12.00 points.

  • Auto Kern Scale Factor lets you apply tighter or looser kerning while maintaining the relative kerning positions of each pair of characters in the kerning table. The default is 100%, which means the pair kerning occurs exactly as specified in the appropriate table. A higher value tightens kerning, moving letter pairs closer together; a lower value loosens it. You can specify an Auto Kern Scale Factor from 25% to 300%.

  • Auto Leading sets the amount of leading between lines for any text in the document formatted with leading set to Automatic. You can choose automatic leading with the Leading command in the Format menu. The default value is 100%-leading is calculated using the full leading of the largest type on a line. Lowering the percentage tightens the leading, or brings lines closer together; raising the percentage loosens the leading. You can specify Auto Leading from 50% to 500%.

  • Greeking Below sets the point size below which text is greeked. Greeked text displays as a grey box, and is not readable. RSG greeks text below the point size you set here to speed up screen display. The default value is 7.00 points.

  • Fixed Tab Width sets the default width of the tabs in your document. This refers to the width RSG assigns to the tab characters when you have not set the tabs using the tab ruler. Fixed Tab Width is set at 1 em when you open a document. You can reset the value from 0.000 to 20.000 ems.

  • Disable Font Scaling determines whether RSG scales fonts whose sizes are not currently installed in the System File. Scaled fonts can be illegible, depending on the design of the screen font and the scaling factor. If you check Disable Font Scaling, RSG does not scale fonts. RSG maintains the correct character and line spacing even though the type size displayed is incorrect. Checking Disable Font Scaling does not affect how your document prints.

  • Show Invisibles adds to the screen display special characters for spaces, tabs and returns that normally do not appear on the screen. Regardless of whether show invisibles is on or off these characters to not print.

  • Auto First Line Adjust determines how the baseline of the first line of a text block is positioned relative to the top of the text block. If it is on the baseline is moved so that the largest upper-case letter in the first line just fits in the text block. If it is off, the baseline is set to the value of the leading applied to the first character in the line.

  • Small Caps determines how small caps are constructed when you choose Convert Text ToSmall Caps from the Text menu. HScale is the horizontal scaling applied to the small cap. VScale is the vertical scaling applied to the small cap. They represent percentages of the original set width and point size, respectively.

  • Superscripts determines how superscripts are constructed when you choose Convert Text ToSuperscript from the Text menu. HScale is the horizontal scaling applied to the superscript. VScale is the vertical scaling applied to the superscript. They represent percentages of the original set width and point size, respectively. VOffset determines how much above the baseline the superscript should be positioned. It represents a percentage of the size.

  • Subscripts determines how subscripts are constructed when you choose Convert Text ToSubscript from the Text menu. HScale is the horizontal scaling applied to the subscript. VScale is the vertical scaling applied to the subscript. They represent percentages of the original set width and point size, respectively. VOffset determines how much below the baseline the subscript should be positioned. It represents a percentage of the size.

  • Fractions determines how fractions are constructed when you choose Convert Text ToFraction from the Text menu. HScale is the horizontal scaling applied to the numerator and denominator. VScale is the vertical scaling applied to the numerator and denominator. They represent percentages of the original set width and point size, respectively. VOffset determines how much above the baseline the numerator should be positioned and how far below the baseline the denominator should be positioned. It represents a percentage of the size. HOffset represents how far to the left the slash and the denominator should be shifted. They are measured as fractions of an em-space.

  • Prices determines how prices are constructed when you choose Convert Text ToPrice from the Text menu. HScale is the horizontal scaling applied to the price. VScale is the vertical scaling applied to the price. They represent percentages of the original set width and point size, respectively. VOffset determines how much above the baseline the dollar sign and the optional last two digits should be positioned. It represents a percentage of the size.

  • Smart Quotes determines whether the inch (") and foot (') symbols should be automatically converted to typographic open and closed single or double quotes as you type.

  • Fractional Widths turns on high-accuracy font metrics. This should always be on unless you are working with documents created with RSG version 4.0 which had fractional widths off.