Document Menu

Displays a submenu of commands that you can use to change your view of the document, or the way it displays on the screen. The first time you open a document, you get a US Letter page (8.5 by 11 inches) at Size To Fit view.
If you save a document with a different view selected, the next time you open the document it's displayed at the new view.
The Views commands do not affect the way your document prints. To change the magnification of the printed document, use the options in the Printer Setup dialog box under the File menu.

  • Facing Pages displays both the current page and its facing page in the active windows. You can work with Facing Pages exactly as you do with single pages and display them at any size you choose in the Views submenu.The Facing Pages option is useful if you are creating pages by the spread, as is done with many books and magazines. You can position an object so that it crosses from one page to the other and run text around it on both pages.

  • Size To Fit reduces or enlarges a page or facing pages so that all of the page or spread fits in the active window, no matter what size the window is.

  • Half Size displays a page or facing pages at 50% of actual size.

  • 75% Size displays a page or facing pages at 75% of actual size.

  • Actual Size displays a page or facing pages at the same size as they print, as determined by the Page Setup and Printer Setup options.

  • Double Size displays a page or facing pages at 200% of actual size.

  • 400% Size displays a page or facing pages at 400% of actual size.

  • 800% Size displays a page or facing pages at 800% of actual size.

    The characteristics o
    f the monitor you are using affect how these commands work. For example, on most two-page displays there is little difference, if any, between Size To Fit and Actual Size.

  • Thumbnails displays reduced images of each page in your document. If you are working with facing pages, the thumbnails view shows the pages as spreads. You can examine the overall look of your pages, remove pages, duplicate pages, and rearrange the sequence of the pages in the Thumbnails window. If you have linked text blocks, the linkages are broken when you move pages around in thumbnails.
    Text may or may not be greeked in the thumbnail view depending on the point sizes you use and the setting of Greeking Below in the Typographic Preferences dialog box.
    You can print thumbnails of your document by clicking Thumbnails in the Print dialog box. See Printing With RSG for more information.