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Allows you to create both text and object glossaries to store frequently-used text and objects as glossary entries. You can name, rename, paste, import, and delete text and object glossary entries, and import text and object glossaries from other RSG documents. Paste a text glossary entry at the insertion point in any text block. Paste an object glossary entry on the same page or a different page in your document.
Choose Text from the Glossaries sub-menu to see the Glossaries dialog box. It helps you define, rename, paste, import, and delete text glossary entries. Predefined text glossary entries are Short Time, Long Time, Short Date, Long Date, and Abbreviated Date. Choose Object from the Glossaries sub-menu to see the Object Glossaries dialog box. Both dialog boxes have the same buttons, and work the same way.
Use the Paste Glossary command in the Edit menu to paste text and object glossary entries without choosing Glossaries from the Document menu.

  • Define creates a new glossary entry. For text glossaries, you define the text and type styles of a glossary entry by typing in a text block, selecting it, choosing Glossaries and Text, and pressing Define. Name the glossary entry and click OK. The new name is selected in the list of glossary entries, and the beginning of its contents is displayed at the foot of the dialog box

To use keyboard shortcuts when using glossaries, append a slash and a single letter to the name. For example, if you name your entry 'Address/a", you can insert the glossary entry by typing Command-G-a.
For object glossaries, create the object(s) to be saved as a glossary entry and select them with the object pointer. Choose Glossaries and Object and click Define; the rest of the process is the same as for creating a text glossary entry, except that the object is not displayed in the dialog box.

  • Rename let you change the name of an existing glossary entry. Choose the Text or Object glossary and select a glossary entry. Click Rename, type a new name and click OK.

  • Paste allows you paste the text or object glossary entry on the page. To paste a text glossary entry, place an insertion point in a text block, choose Glossaries and then Text, select a glossary name, and click Paste. To paste an object glossary entry, select the Object pointer, choose Glossaries and then Object, select a glossary name, and click Paste. The object(s) appear in the same position on the page as on the page from which you created the glossary entry. An object glossary entry pasted in its page of origin appears directly on top of the existing object(s). Linked text blocks stored as object glossary entries do not retain their linking.

  • Import lets you import copies of glossaries from another (closed) RSG document. Click Import: a directory dialog box appears. Double-click the document whose text or object glossaries you want. Its glossary entries are added to the list. Imported glossary entries with the same name as existing items in the list have '.1' added to their name. You can rename, paste, or delete imported glossary entries just as you would with created entries.

  • Delete lets you remove an item from a glossary. You select the name you want to delete from the list and click Delete.