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Justification Specs

Displays the Justification Specs dialog box to let you control how RSG fills lines of justified text when you choose Justify or Full Justify from the Format menu. You can set justification specifications in two ways: Standard (the default) or Professional. With the Standard method, an automatic process fits as many words as possible on a line, based on the combined effects of manual kerning, manual tracking and/or letterspacing, word spacing, automatic kerning, and automatic tracking settings. With the Professional method, you specify the minimum and maximum spacing allowed between words and characters.
To choose Professional justification, click Professional at the top of the Justification Specs dialog box. Then specify the percentage of word and character spacing you want in your document.

  • Word Spacing determines the spacing between words in justified text in your document as a percentage of the size of the space character in the current font (as modified by the word spacing factor specified in the Horizontal Control dialog box). Set the minimum and maximum space between words in your document. Default minimum space is 75% and default maximum is 125% of the size of the space character. Specify any number from 0% to 800% for either, but the minimum word spacing must be less than or equal to the maximum word spacing.

  • Character Spacing determines the spacing between characters as a percentage of the normal character spacing as modified by manual or automatic kerning, tracking, or letterspacing. Set the minimum and maximum space between characters in justified text in your document. Default minimum space and maximum space is 100%. Specify any number from 75% to 125% for either, but the minimum character spacing must be less than or equal to the maximum character spacing.

RSG saves the customized setting with your document. To use these settings in all subsequent documents, choose Save Defaults from the File Menu after you change the justification settings.