Object Menu

Displays the Specifications dialog box for selected object(s) to let you view and change specifications. Double-clicking an object also displays the dialog box.
When you are creating objects, the specification sheet for the most recently-created object appears. If you select more than one object or select grouped objects, the specification sheet for each object in the group appears, one after the other.

  • Common Specifications are those that appear in the Specifications dialog box for every option.

  • Start Across controls where the object appears on the page, relative to the left edge of the page. You can use Start Across to place or align object(s) precisely. The value of Start Across for an object appears in the status bar as x= when you create the object (x1 for diagonal lines).

  • Start Down controls where the object appears on the page, relative to the top of the page. You can use Start Down to place or align object(s) precisely. The value of Start Down for an object appears in the status bar as y= when you create the object (y1 for diagonal lines).

  • Width specifies the width of the object. Note that you can't specify width for vertical and diagonal lines. The value for Width appears in the status bar as w= when you create the object.

  • Depth specifies the depth of the object. Note that you can't specify depth for horizontal and diagonal lines. The value of Depth appears in the status bar as d= when you create the object.

  • Text Repel determines how much space is maintained between the object and text that you flow around it. The Runaround option -see below- must be checked for Text Repel to work.

  • Rotation specifies the angle of rotation about an axis through the center of the object. If you have not used the rotation tool on the object or the Rotation command (Object menu), RSG shows a value of 0.0 degrees.

  • Locked specifies whether an object can be moved or resized. Locked is checked when you choose Lock from the Object menu. When locked, the object cannot be moved, resized, or deleted although you can still place text, place graphics, or change the fill and pen characteristics of the object.

  • Runaround indicates whether text runs around the selected object or flows over it. All objects have Runaround turned off when created. You must check Runaround to have text run around an object.

  • Don't Print specifies whether the selected object will print. When this option is checked, the object appears on the screen but doesn't print.

  • Fill Screen controls how fill screens print on PostScript printers. You can use Fill Screen to specify if a fill screen should use the document's screen settings or its own custom settings.

  • Set a custom dot, line or elliptical screen and angle for any object that can have a fill: rectangles, rounded rectangles, ovals, polygons, and text blocks (but not a line). To specify a fill screen for a halftone in a picture block, use the Image Control command to display the Halftone dialog box. This dialog box also displays the fill pattern, fill tint, and fill color of the selected block.

  • Pen Screen controls how pen screens print on PostScript printers. You can use Pen Screen to specify if a pen screen should use the document's screen settings or its own custom settings. Set a custom dot, line or elliptical screen and angle for any object that can have a frame: rectangles, rounded rectangles, ovals, polygons, and text blocks , picture blocks, and lines. This dialog box also displays the pen pattern, pen tint, and pen color of the selected block.

Text Block Specifications include options specific to text blocks.

  • Alignment lets you choose how excess vertical space in a text block is distributed. The option is ignored if the text is running around another object or has a shape other than rectangular. Choose any of the available alignment shapes by pressing the displayed alignment method and dragging to the one you want.
    Top alignment (first icon), the default, starts the text at the top of the block and continues downward using your leading or line spacing specifications. If the text does not fill the entire block, white space appears at the bottom. Bottom alignment (second icon) places white space at the top of the block, making the text flush to the bottom of the block. Center alignment (third icon) equally divides white space between the top and bottom of the block.
    Justify With Feathering alignment (fourth icon) adjusts the leading of all lines so that the text fills the entire block. Paragraph Spacing alignment (last icon) adds equal amounts of space between each paragraph in the block, maintaining leading instructions within paragraphs, so that the text fills the entire block.
    When you edit text with the insertion pointer, the text block temporarily returns to Top alignment until you click in another text block or select another tool.

  • Shape lets you choose the shape of a text block. The default text block shape is a rectangle. Choose any of the available shapes by pressing the displayed shape and dragging to the one you want. Your text molds to the shape you use.

  • Ignore Runarounds overrides the runaround setting of any text and picture blocks or graphic objects.

  • PostScript interprets the text inside the text block as a PostScript application. The text inside the box is not printed but is sent to your PostScript printer as a PostScript program.

  • Numbering specifies if automatic numbering (Command-Shift-Option-#) in this particular text block should be done as Arabic numerals, upper case Roman numerals, or lower-case Roman numerals.

  • Text Screen controls how text screens print on PostScript printers. You can use Text Screen to specify if a text screen should use the document's screen settings or its own custom settings. Set a custom dot, line or elliptical screen and angle. Any tinted text in this text block will print with these screen settings.

  • Drop Caps establishes an automatic drop capital for the text block. In the dialog box you can turn this feature on and off. Baseline sets the line in the text block that the baseline of the drop cap will align with. Text is the drop cap character or characters. Scale sets the horizontal scaling of the drop cap. Tint sets the tint of the drop cap. Color sets the color of the drop cap. Indent specifies an indent (positive or negative) of the indented lines relative to the default indent for the drop cap. Font sets the font of the drop cap. Type Style sets the type style of the drop cap.

  • Picture Block Specifications include options specific to picture blocks. You can also get information about the pictures in your picture blocks using the File Info button.

  • Scale Across sets the percentage reduction or enlargement for the horizontal aspect of the graphic in a picture block.

  • Scale Down sets the percentage reduction or enlargement for the vertical aspect of the graphic in a picture block.

  • Shape lets you choose the shape of a picture block. Default picture block shape is a rectangle. Choose a shape by pressing the displayed shape and dragging to the one you want. Pictures are cropped to fit the shape.
    Print 72 dpi PICT2 determines how RSG prints PICT2 files. If Print 72dpi PICT2 is checked, RSG uses its own printing resource to generate color or greyscale 72 dpi PostScript printing instructions. Otherwise, PICT2 graphics are printed with instructions from the Apple printing resource.

  • Runaround determines how RSG runs overlapping text around a graphic. If you choose Frame, text runs around the border of the graphic according to the setting of the Shape option. If you choose Graphic, RSG runs the text around the graphic contained in the frame.

  • File Info displays a window that lists the name of the picture file currently in the picture block, along with the file type, such as PICT.

  • Greek This Graphic speeds the display of the picture block by always displaying it as a black rectangle.

  • Cropping leads to a dialog box in which you can modify the cropping values in one point increments.
    Diagonal Line Specifications include options for the endpoint coordinates for diagonal lines, End Across and End Down.

  • End Across and End Down specify the endpoints of a diagonal line. The End Across and End Down units appear in the status bar as x2 and y2 when you are creating a diagonal line.
    Rounded Rectangle Specifications include options for the depth and width of the corners of the rectangle.

  • Corner Width specifies the width of the corner of the rounded rectangle.

  • Corner Depth specifies the depth of the corner of the rounded rectangle.