Text Menu

The Text menu contains commands that act on selected text or on text you type at the current insertion point.

Find Next

Searches for the next occurrence of text, font, style, size of type, and other options you last specified in the Find dialog box, starting after the current insertion point or text selection.

Find Selection

Searches for a selected word or phrase-up to 20 characters of the word or phrase appear on the menu, replacing the word "Selection." Find Selection does not consider the typographic features of the selection in the search. Use the Find command to search for formatted text.


Searches for specified text in a text block, a chain of linked blocks, or the entire document, and replaces it with text that you type. It begins searching after the insertion point or text you select. You can also find and replace a font, style, or size of type you specify.
The upper part of the Replace dialog box is the same as the Find dialog box. See the Find command
for information. The lower portion of the Replace dialog box contains replacement options.

  • Change To lets you type the replacement text.

  • Use Clipboard lets you designate the clipboard as the source of the replacement text.

  • Stylesheet allows you to specify a stylesheet for formatting the replacement text. If set to None, the replacement text is not formatted. You can replace only the stylesheet for the found item by leaving the Change To text area blank. You can also search for one stylesheet and replace it with another, without specifying any text to find at all.

  • Use Format lets you specify the type style, font, and type size of the replacement text. You can format found text with the type specs you enter here without changing the text itself by leaving the Change To text box blank. You can search for one set of type specs and replace the specs with those you specify here by leaving both Find What and Change To blank.

Check Spelling

Checks the spelling of the words in your document from the insertion point or end of the current selection range to the end of the current text block or chain. The Spelling Dictionary must be in the folder (home folder)/Library/Application Support/Ready,Set,Go!. Words not found in the Main Dictionary or the User Dictionary are highlighted in the text, and a list of spelling suggestions is given. To limit spell checking to the current text block in a chain, press Option when you choose Check Spelling.
The dictionaries used to check particular words are determined by the language applied to the first character in a word by the Language command in the Text menu. Parts of your document in different languages are spell-checked by the dictionary for each language.

Suggest Spelling

Suggests spelling alternatives for the currently-selected word or the word at the current insertion point. The Spelling Dictionary must be in the folder (home folder)/Library/Application Support/Ready,Set,Go!.

Add Word

Lets you add a selected word, or the word at the current insertion point, to the User Dictionary. The Spelling Dictionary must be in the folder (home folder)/Library/Application Support/Ready,Set,Go!.
You can edit the User Dictionary with any word processor, or import it into a text block, make changes, and then use Export Text to save it. To activate the modified User Dictionary, you must quit RSG and restart.
To maintain separate user dictionaries for different documents or projects, create them and then give them a name in the Finder that reflects their purpose. To use a custom dictionary, rename the existing user dictionary to reflect its purpose, and then rename your specialized dictionary "User English Dictionary." (RSG automatically opens the file called "User English Dictionary".)
If your document contains multiple languages, the added word is appended to the User Dictionary for the language that is applied to it. RSG determines the language by examining the first letter of the selected word.


Turns hyphenation on or off for selected text or text typed at the insertion point. You control Hyphenation behavior through the Hyphenation Specs dialog box.


Lets you apply a language to selected text or text typed at the insertion point. RSG checks the language you've applied to the first character of a word and uses that specification for hyphenation or spell-checking. RSG may be configured to support a mix of languages.

Insert Column Break

Places a column break at the insertion point. The text breaks at this point and flows into the next block of the chain of text blocks. If you have a range of text selected, the range is replaced by the column break character. You can achieve the same effect by typing Command-Shift-Option-X in your text.

Remove Column Break(s)

Deletes column breaks in selected text, replacing them with returns.

Scale Block To Text

Modifies the width and depth of the text block that contains the insertion point or selection range so that the text block exactly fits the text it contains. If a selection range spans more than one text block, the block affected is the block containing the start of the selection range.

Scale Text To Block

Modifies the size, leading and horizontal scaling of the text in the text block that contains the insertion point or selection range to that the text exactly fits in the text block. If a selection range spans more than one text block, the block affected is the block containing the start of the selection range.