To Size an Object by Dragging

You can change the size of an object, even an object in a group, by dragging a handle with the object pointer (unless the object is locked, rotated, or flipped). You can arrange or add guides to help you resize an object. If you don't want the resized object to snap to a grid rectangle or guide, make sure that Snap To in the Page menu is unchecked.

  1. Select the object you want to size. Handles appear around the object to show it's selected. If the object is in a group, every object in the group is selected.

  2. Position the tip of the object pointer on one of the handles of the object you want to size.

  3. Drag to make the object larger or smaller. Drag a corner handle to change size both horizontally and vertically. Drag a side, top, or bottom handle to change size only horizontally or vertically. A dotted rectangle shows the changing object boundary. The status bar displays the new dimensions and position of the object. If you are sizing a picture block, you can scale a picture in it at the same time. See To Scale a Picture in the "How To - Graphics" section, Working With Graphics.

To undo the size change, choose Undo Resize from the Edit menu before you do anything else.