To Change the Thickness or Style of a Straight Rule or Border

You can change the style or thickness of a rule or the border of an object.

NOTE: A text block has no visible border when you create it, so you must first change its pen pattern to something other than None. See To Change the Pen Pattern of a Straight Rule or Border.

  1. Select the object, objects, or group whose style of rule you want to change.

  2. Choose Lines from the Draw menu, and then choose a style of rule or choose Other.The preset thickness option for the border of each text block and picture block you create is 1 point (even though you can't see a text block border because its pattern is None). The current style is checked. Rules finer than 1 point display on screen as a 1 point rule, but print at the size you choose. If you don't see the thickness you want in the palette, choose Other. A dialog box appears where you can type a number for the thickness in increments of 0.01 points. Then click OK.