To Change the Color and Tint of Text

When you enter text in a text block, its default color and tint are 100% black. You can change the color of text as you type, or you can change the color of existing text.

  1. Select an insertion point or the text you want to color or tint.

  2. To change the color, select Color from the Format menu. A palette appears with eight colors. Check the color you want. If you don't see the color you want in the palette, choose Other. The Color Selector dialog box appears where you can select from 20 standard premixed colors, including the preset options in the palette, as well as from the entire PANTONE®* Series of coated colors. Scroll the list until you find the color you want, or type in the name of a color or a PANTONE®* Number. After you type the color name or number, type a period (.) to select that color.
    Don't press Return or click OK until you're finished in the dialog box. For more information about working with the Color Selector dialog box, see To Change the Color of a Straight Rule or Border and To Custom Mix and Rename Standard Colors in "How To - Objects" section.

  3. To change the tint, choose Tint from the Format menu. Choose the percentage for screening the color; the percentages are in 10% steps. Choose Other to specify any percentage from 0% to 100%. If you want the text to be opaque white, choose 0%, or change to the color white as described in step 2.

The text always appears on top of any fill pattern and color that you've given to the text block.