To Change the Rules for Hyphenating Text Automatically

You can specify the minimum size of a word that can be hyphenated, the minimum number of characters before and after a hyphen, and the maximum number of consecutive lines that can be hyphenated. You can prevent hyphenation of the last word of a paragraph or of a word that begins with an uppercase letter.
You can turn off the Preferential Hyphens option, which gives preference to hyphenation at the most natural break-point (for example, inter-national rather than internation-al). You can also define hyphenation rules for individual words.

  1. Choose Hyphenation Specs from the Document menu.

  2. Choose the language whose hyphenation specs you want to set from the list displayed by clicking the language box.

  3. Enter the specifications you want. The preset options are displayed in the dialog box. For details about each option, see Hyphenation Specs under Document Menu in Reference.

  4. Click Done when you're finished. Use the Save Defaults command from the File menu to make a hyphenation spec a default option for each new document you open after you start RSG again.
    To define an exception to the way RSG hyphenates, click in the empty text box in the lower-left corner of the Hyphenation Specs dialog box, type the word with hyphens where you will allow it to be broken, and click Insert Word. Repeat if required. Click Done when you're finished.

The word is added to the list of exceptions that RSG uses for all documents while automatically hyphenating text.

  • To keep a word from being hyphenated, define the word as an exception and enter it without hyphens.

  • To turn off hyphenation on a word-by-word basis, select the word, choose Hyphenation from the Text menu, and then choose Off.

  • To add discretionary hyphens to a word, hold down the Command key and type hyphens where they are appropriate in the word. (You don't see a hyphen.) If the word doesn't fit on a line, RSG hyphenates it where you typed a Command-hyphen.

  • To remove a word from the list of hyphenation exceptions, select the word from the list, and click Delete Word(s). You can hold down the Shift key to select more than one word before you click Delete Word(s). Then click Done when you're finished.