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Hyphenation Specs

Lets you view, alter, and add to the list of words you want RSG to hyphenate differently than it does on its own. Use the Exceptions scroll box to enter your hyphenation preferences. You can also change some of the rules that determine how your document is hyphenated automatically. You use the Hyphenations dialog box to enter your changes.
To use automatic hyphenation, turn hyphenation on in the Text menu. You can still choose to turn hyphenation off for individual words: select the word(s) and choose Off in the Hyphenation submenu in the Text menu.
You must have hyphenation turned on in the Text menu for any of the settings in the Hyphenation Specs dialog box to be effective.
Exceptions Dictionary customizes the way RSG hyphenates words in your document by adding words to the Hyphenation Exceptions dictionary. At Hyphenation Specs dialog box, click in the text box under the Exceptions scroll box and enter the word you want to custom-hyphenate. The word is added to the Hyphenation Exceptions dictionary when you click Insert Word.
The Hyphenation Exceptions dictionary is stored on disk as the document "Hyphenation Exceptions" and is used every time you use RSG RSG maintains separate exception dictionaries for each language , but stores all in one dictionary file. The list in the scroll box is for the language shown in the Language box. Change languages (if you have additional languages installed) by pressing the Language box.
When you print your document on another Mac or at a service bureau, be sure to include your Hyphenation Exceptions dictionary on disk or via modem with the document.
Automatic Hyphenation Settings determines how RSG hyphenates your document automatically. The settings are saved with each of your documents. When you open a new RSG document the default settings are used. To change the default settings, choose Save Defaults from the File menu after changing the hyphenation settings.

  • Minimum characters in word sets the minimum number of characters composing a word that RSG hyphenates.

  • Minimum characters before sets the minimum number of characters that can precede a hyphen.

  • Minimum characters after sets the minimum number of characters that must follow a hyphen in a word.

  • Maximum consecutive hyphens sets the maximum number of consecutive lines RSG allows to end with a hyphen.

  • Break last word of paragraph determines whether to hyphenate the last word of a paragraph.

  • Break capitalized words hyphenates words that start with an uppercase letter.
    Preferential hyphens attempts to break a word at the optimal hyphenation point for that word before trying other break points.

  • Language lets you modify the default automatic hyphenation settings and exceptions dictionary for the languages you've installed. Choose the required language by pressing on the name of the language. The default settings change to the default values for the language you choose. See the discussion of the Language command in the Text Menu section, for more information about the Language Annex.