File Menu

The File menu contains commands that you use to work with the documents stored on your disks. You use some of these commands to open, save, print, and close RSG documents.


Opens a new, untitled document. You can open as many new documents as the internal memory available in your Mac allows.


Displays the standard file dialog so that you can select a document to open. You can open more than one copy of the same document. Each copy you open becomes a different version of the document. The first copy you open is the "original". If you close the original and then save a copy with the same name, the copy replaces the original. You can save the copy with a modified name to avoid this problem.
If you open a document that contains certain types of high-resolution graphic files, RSG attempts to locate them in the current folder. If they are not there, a dialog box appears to help you locate the files. See the
Save and Import Graphic commands, for information about how RSG manages imported graphics.


Closes the active document window. If you've made changes to the document, RSG asks whether you want to save it first.


Saves the current version of the document in the active window and replaces the version on the disk with the same name. To keep the original and updated copies as two separate documents, use the Save As command.
When you save a RSG document containing TIFF, EPSF or QuickTime movie files, the graphics files are not saved as part of your document. RSG creates a QuickDraw image of the file for display and manipulation purposes and records the name and file type of the file you imported. When you print your document, RSG applies the changes to the image that you have made in your document to the original file. You must have the original TIFF, EPSF or QuickTime movie file available on a disk when you print, preferably in the same folder as your document.If you customize the hyphenation in your document, the information is saved in the Hyphenation Exceptions file. Be sure to keep the file in the folder (home folder)/Library/Application Support/Ready,Set,Go!.

Save As

Saves your document with the name you specify. You can also use Save As to save your document with a different name, to a different folder, or to a different disk. For example, if you want to experiment with alternate designs for your document, design the document and save it. Then revise your design and use Save As to save it with a new name.

The pop-up menu at the bottom of the Save As window has the following options:

Ready,Set,Go! Document - will save your document in the default RSG format.
Ready,Set,Go! Stationery - will save your document as a read-only file.
Ready,Set,Go! version 6.0 and 7.0 - will save your document as a version 6.0 or 7.0 file.
NOTE! Some information related to HTML publishing will be lost from your document.

Save Defaults

Saves the current page preferences, setup, type settings, graphic settings, view setting and the current grid, if any. You can use Save Defaults to customize RSG so that every time you open a document the settings you use most frequently are in effect.


Restores the last-saved version of the active document window. Revert erases all the changes you have made since you last saved. Revert is like a "super-undo" command. When you are about to make dramatic changes to your document that you aren't sure you'll like, save the document and then make the changes. If you don't like them, use Revert to restore the original.

Page Setup

Specifies the size and orientation of the pages in your document.
A dialog box lists seven standard page sizes.
Click Custom to specify any other page width and depth. The maximum size is 99 by 99 inches (251.46 by 251.46cm). To create a page larger than the actual paper size your printer can print, sp
ecify the page size with Custom. You can choose Tiling from the the Document menu Preferences/Printing and then paste them together by hand.
You can choose one of two orientations for your document: upright (Portrait) or sideways (Landscape). Make sure the orientation in the Page Setup dialog box and in the Printer Setup dialog box are the same, or your document may not print properly.
If you create a document with a non-standard page size that you want to reduce or enlarge to print on a standard size page, make sure that it will fit. For example, to see laser proofs of a page 11 by 17 inches (without tiling) before you send it to an output service bureau, choose a paper size of 8.5 by 11 inches in the Printer Setup dialog box with a 50% reduction, and the document will print correctly.

Printer Setup

Specifies paper size and orientation of the paper in your printer. If the paper size is larger than the page size of the document, RSG will center the document on the page. If the document page size is larger, Ready,Set,Go! will warn you that the page may be cropped on the printer. See Printing for details.


Prints the current document according to the selected options. The Print command generates a dialog box that allows you to select the number of copies to print, specify a page range, and other standard options provided with your printer - these depend on which version of the printing resource you have installed.

To control Ready,Set,Go!-specific options for printing go to Preferences/Printing from the Document menu. The options are described in the Printing Preferences section.


Import Text

Inserts all the text from another document at the insertion point in a text block. If you select text by highlighting it and then choose Import Text, the imported text replaces the selected text.

The following options are available.

Character Set lets you select the encoding of the imported text as Unicode or Macintosh.
Smart Quotes automatically converts standard typewriter quotation marks into typographic quotes, typewriter apostrophes into typographic apostrophes, double spaces into single spaces, and double hyphens into em dashes.
Tagged Text lets you incorporate stylesheet formatting in a plain ASCII text file and automatically format the text with stylesheets when it is imported. You prepare the text file by preceding any section to be formatted with a style sheet with the name of the stylesheet enclosed in angle brackets (<>).
See To Prepare a Text-Only Document for Use With Stylesheets and To Insert the Text of Text-Only Documents in the "How to - Text" section, Working With Text, for more information.
Carriage returns should be used to end paragraphs, but not lines, when preparing text in a word processor to be imported by RSG Don't add space between paragraphs by pressing the Return key several times. You can use the Paragraph Spacing command under the Format menu to increase the space between paragraphs once the file has been imported.

If your text file was transferred from another computer system, it may contain extraneous characters, such as Returns at the end of each line. You can use the Replace command in the Text menu to find and replace all extraneous characters.
Spaces work best when you import documents if you only put one space between sentences. RSG uses your word spacing settings to decide how big these spaces will be. Don't use spaces to align columns or create paragraph indents, or for fixed-size spacing. Instead, press the following keys simultaneously to create the type of space you want.

  Em Space
En Space
Thin Space
Fixed Space

You can set the size of a fixed space in the Horizontal Spacing dialog box, using the Horiz Spacing command in the Format menu.

Tabs are used to align columns of words or numbers. Although fixed spaces might produce the results you want on the screen, your document may look different when printed. Tab settings can be incorporated into stylesheets and easily edited in the tabs dialog box. See To Set Up Tab Columns in the "How to - Text" section, Working With Text for information on how to set and specify tabs.

Other characters, which do not appear on your keyboard, can be accessed by using the Option and Option-Shift keys when typing. Use the Key Caps desk accessory to survey the special characters available to you in the typeface you are working with. The characters beyond the ASCII character set are not standardized. Most font manufacturers have a standard character set that they use for all their fonts, but the set may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. If you use a special character in your document, such as W and then change the font, the character may change or even disappear.

Import Graphic

Imports a picture document into the picture block you selected with the cropping tool. The picture is attached to the upper-left corner of the picture block. If you don't see the picture, use the cropping tool to drag the area in the picture block until you do, or temporarily enlarge the picture block. See Working With Pictures in the "How to - Graphics" section, Working With Graphics, for more information on how to get pictures from other files.
You can use the Image Control command to change the levels of grey in picture files.
Pure PostScript graphics can also be printed in RSG. You can write a PostScript program in a RSG text block and print it. Be sure the PostScript option is checked in the Text block specifications dialog box. RSG does not print the text, but sends the text to the printer as a program. Because the PostScript code is contained in a text block, you can't run other text around the image. If you rename, delete, or move an imported picture file, RSG may not be able to print it at high resolution. Use the Pictures Used utility in the Document menu to list the picture files in your document. For best results, be sure that all of these files are in the same folder as the document when you print.


Export Text

Export Text saves the text in the block or chain in your document that has either an insertion point or selected text. If you want to export only a portion of the text in your document, select a range of text and choose Export Text. Only the text you select is exported. If you want to export all the text in your text block or chain, place an insertion point in the text block or chain and choose Export Text. All the text is exported.
You can set the encoding of the exported text as Macintosh or Unicode.
Tagged text exports your RSG stylesheet tagged information to the new text document. Parts of your publication with no style attached to them are preceded by <NO STYLE>.

Export to PS/EPS

To enable easier interchange with other applications and a current Pre-press systems it is possible to export a document or page in a variety of Postscript formats.

  • Export To PS File:
    Saves the document as Postscript data. This allows the saving as Postscript with control of the printer page size, colour separation settings and also lets you manage how the fonts are embedded.
  • Export To EPS File:
    This generates Encapsulated Postscript files with font embedding.
  • Export to DCS 1.0 / 2.0 File:
    Produces desktop color separation conforming to DCS 1.0 / 2.0 specification. This is an EPS image saved as five files. The first file is the composite image, the other 4 files are the C, M, Y and K separations.
RTF Import and Export

With this feature you can import/export your documents to/from Microsoft Word-RTF documents, this will help to transfer work done using Microsoft Word (on Windows and Macintosh) to Ready,Set,Go! The RTF files can easily be opened in Windows preserving all the text and formatting.

Some adjustments may need to be done to the imported/exported documents due to cross-platform incompatibilities.
If there are images in the RTF file imported to Ready,Set,Go!, there will be two cases: if the image is linked to a file then it will be still linked to the same file, otherwise, if it is embedded in the RTF document then it will be converted to an external image file and linked to the new Ready,Set,Go! document.
If there is a text block in the Ready,Set,Go! document exported to RTF, you will be prompted to select the way to transfer the text. These options are:

  • Keep Text Flow:
    This exports the text in linked text blocks together as one continuous text.
  • Keep Text Layout:
    This exports the text blocks as they are by keeping their locations and converting them to RTF text boxes instead of continuous text.
Generate PDF

Lets you save your document as a PDF file together with all the images and fonts.

Recent Files
You can open the most recent documents you have been working on.